Amy Weng

Amy Weng is an art writer and creative practitioner based in Tamaki Makaurau, Aotearoa. She is the founder of, a website dedicated to fostering contemporary Asian New Zealand art and culture, and was the organiser of the 2017 Asia Aotearoa Artists Hui. Amy is currently the Public Programmes & Marketing/Comms Coordinator at Te Tuhi, Auckland where she recently organised a panel discussion with Bruce Barber on immigration in post-colonial New Zealand. Recent projects include Orange Pekoe, Window Gallery (2017), and Remedial Learning, RM Gallery (2017) a curatorial project that proposes alternative bodies of knowledge as sites for healing. She has also contributed to websites such as The Pantograph Punch, Tusk Emergent Culture, Peril Magazine (AU) and Eye Contact.

As part of the AAAH2018 Symposium @ Te Papa Amy Weng spoke at the Welcome & Closing Remarks as the organiser of the 2017 Asia Aotearoa Artists Hui.
